How to root and install Google Play (market) in a Hyundai 7″ tablet with Android 4.0

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In this tutorial you can see how to connect a Hyundai 7″ tablet to the PC in order to grant root access and then install the android market (google play) that was originally missing from the Android 4.0.1 that came with the device.




Click here if you would like to buy a cheap 7″ android tablet here’s a link to an online store with free shipping:

Software used during this procedure:

(get all the software before starting the procedure)

[notice](will be posted during the weekend)[/notice]

Steps followed to complete the procedure:

[notice](will be posted during the weekend)[/notice]

3 thoughts on “How to root and install Google Play (market) in a Hyundai 7″ tablet with Android 4.0

  1. Hi, I reached your website from your Youtube video. I own a Hyundai A7 tablet and it’s a pain to load applications on it, I am using Amazon market for it right now but I would love to be able to install Google play on it. Can you please share the urls to download the pda net application and the scripts you mentioned in your video?

  2. thankyou for your youtube video on how to root and install Google Play (market) in a Hyundi tablet.
    Could you forward the links files to update for android market. thankyou

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